We offer legal services in the following areas of the law:

Types of Contracts

The Law Firm provides legal services mainly in relation to the following types of contracts:

Commercial Contracts

Property Contracts

Family Law Agreements

Types of Services

In this area of the law, IVA PETROVSKA Law Firm provides the following legal services:

Types of Services

In this practice area, IVA PETROVSKA Law Firm provides the following legal services to the clients:

Types of Dispute

The Law Firm provides legal services mainly in relation to the following types of disputes:

Types of Services

In this practice area, the Law Firm IVA PETROVSKA, provides the following legal service to the clients:

Types of ADR methods

Alternative ways of resolving disputes are the following:

The advantages of ADR

The advantages of using the Alternative Dispute mechanisms are the following:

Types of disputes

Types of disputes in which Alternative Dispute Resolution methods can be applied are as follows:


Negotiation is a process in which both parties work with mutual concessions to find a common, acceptable solution, without any of the parties feeling that they have completely “lost” or that they have completely “won”.


Reconciliation is an alternative dispute resolution process in which the parties appoint a third party – Conciliator from the list of licensed conciliators, who as a neutral and impartial person, helps the parties involved in the dispute to reach an amicable solution by conducting negotiations.

In the domestic legal system, conciliation is legally predicted as a procedure for the peaceful settlement of Collective Labor Disputes, as well as for Consumer Disputes.

The procedure for conciliation of the collective labor dispute is conducted before the Conciliation Board, which consists of an equal number of representatives of the parties to the dispute, and the conciliator.

The Conciliation Board is the one that, after the discussion, adopts a recommendation on the manner of resolving the dispute. The conciliator has no right to decide.

If the parties accept the recommendation, they conclude a Dispute Settlement Agreement. If the subject of the dispute is a Collective Agreement, the recommendation is an integral part of the Collective Agreement, if the subject is not a collective agreement, the Agreement has the force of a court decision.


Mediation – is a way of resolving disputes, through negotiation, with the help of one or more licensed Mediators, which ends with a written agreement, which the parties can solemnize with a notary public, which will give it the force of an executive document, on which a preferential rate for lower costs for solemnization of a Mediation Agreement shall apply, in accordance with the Notary Tariff.

Online Mediation

Particularly useful in the conditions of the Covid pandemic and the validity of the measures for physical distance, as an excellent alternative for resolving civil and economic disputes, is the possibility of online mediation (e-mediation), which enables fast and economical resolution of disputes, and easier access to justice.
Online mediation can be conducted through electronic means of communication: video conferencing platforms (Zoom, Skype, etc.), e-mail or other electronic data exchange systems.


Arbitration is a procedure for the peaceful settlement of disputes, in which the participating parties usually appoint three or one arbitrator as neutral persons, who will make a meritorious decision on the dispute after hearing the views of both parties. Such a decision is equated with a final court decision rendered in the country.

Advantages of arbitration:

Types of Services


The law firm offers services of conducting negotiations, participation in negotiations and negotiation assistance, in the field of family law, inheritance, property law, labor and business relations, as a way to:


The law firm offers services of providing advice and guidance to the parties – when presenting proposals from the representatives of the parties in the Reconciliation Procedure.


In the Mediation procedure – the law firm provides the following services:


The types of services provided by the law firm in the field of arbitration are the following:

Types of Services

The legal services provided in this practice area, are as follows:

Types of Services

In this area of the law, the Law Firm IVA PETROVSKA provides the following legal services:

Types of Services

In this practice area, IVA PETROVSKA Law Firm provides the following legal services:

Types of Services

The legal services provided in this area of the law, are as follows:

Private International Law is a part of the national law which determines (i) the applicable law and (ii) the jurisdiction of the national courts (or competence of other national bodies), regarding the legal relationships with international element between private persons.

Types of legal relations

Types of legal relations which might contain or be associated with foreign element, are as follows:

Types of foreign elements

Connection with foreign law (Foreign Element) might refer to:

Types of Services

In his practice area IVA PETROVSKA Law Firm, provides the following legal services:

We provide integral legal opinions to foreign clients in regards to the basis, conditions and procedures for acquiring – residence permits, citizenship, work permits and starting-up a company.

Types of Services

In his practice area IVA PETROVSKA Law Firm, provides the following legal services:

Types of subjects

The Law Firm provides legal services for the following types of subjects, respectively roles in the criminal proceedings:

Types of Services

In this area of the law, IVA PETROVSKA Law Firm provides the following legal services:

Human rights and freedoms are subject to the protection of the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia, the Laws and numerous international conventions to which the country is a signatory.

International conventions

The most important international conventions of which North Macedonia is a member are the following agreements:

  1. European Convention on Human Rights
  2. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
  3. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  4. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;
  5. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination;
  6. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
  7. Convention on the Rights of the Child
  8. International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
  9. International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

North Macedonia is not a member state of the following conventions:

  1. International Convention for the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families

Types of protection

Protection of human rights and freedoms in North Macedonia is ensured before:

the freedoms and rights of man and citizen concerning the freedom of belief, conscience, thought and public expression of thought, political association and action and the prohibition of discrimination of citizens on the grounds of sex, race, religion, national, social and political affiliation , which are violated by individual acts of the state administration and other institutions that exercise public authority.

  • Violation of Property Rights
  • Violation of Employment Rights
  • Psychological Harassment in the workplace
  • Mobbing
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Violation of Honor and Reputation
  • Violation of the Right to Life
  • Hate Speech
  • Violation of Bodily and Physical Integrity
  • Violation of the Freedoms and Rights of Man and Citizen
  • Violation of the Right to Vote
  • Violation of rights arising from employment – Social security
  • Violation of Sexual Freedom and Sexual Morality
  • Violation of Human Health Rights
  • Violation of the Right to Ownership (property)
  • Exercising the Right to Social Financial Assistance
  • Awarding Scholarships to Pupils and Students
  • Exercising the Right to Old Age, Family and Disability Pension
  • Exercising the Right to a Refund of Money given for Treatment
  • Unpaid Health and Pension Insurance Contributions
  • Violation of the Right to Vote
  • Violation of the Right to Property on the basis of Denationalization, Expropriation and Privatization of construction land
  • Realization of Rights arising from Concession Agreements
  • Realization of Rights arising from Public Procurement Contracts
  • Violations of the constitutional and legal rights of the citizens by the State Administration Bodies and by Other Persons Exercising Public Authorizations;
  • Violations of the Principles of Non-Discrimination and Adequate and Equitable Representation of Members of the Communities.

-discrimination in the exercise of human rights and freedoms – against any natural person, legal person, or group – committed by any state body, local self-government unit, legal or natural person, which is based on:

  • sex,
  • race,
  • skin color,
  • gender identity or expression,
  • belonging to a marginalized group,
  • ethnicity,
  • language,
  • citizenship,
  • social origin,
  • religion or religious belief,
  • other types of beliefs,
  • education,
  • political affiliation,
  • personal or social status,
  • mental and physical disability,
  • age,
  • marital or family status,
  • property status,
  • health condition or
  • any other discriminatory grounds provided for as such by law or ratified international agreement.

only violations of the rights and freedoms of individuals, organizations and companies which are guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights.

Types of Services

IVA PETROVSKA Law Firm in this practice area offers the following legal services: